There is no nice way to tell this story.. it is about a drug addict .. her and her constant need to get off chops. This story is cos i'm pissed off and will only be bare facts so that if a certain somebody crosses the line it will go public not that anyone would even care but her ex's may not like the story.
Hope Halliday was brought back into my life just after she's given birth to her second child bryce. At first i thought she had the perfect life with nick. She had everything she wanted, plenty of money, nice home, perfect partner and addorable child. What more could you want right??
Apparently a lot more cos as i found out later she was leading a double life.. Nick was one week on and one week off and when she would drop him off at the air-port on the way back she'd pick up her other man Tony and go on a week long drug binge. None of us ever saw this side though until later.
The very first time i decided to go out with her and Nick i was persuaded to get on the gear with them.. Nick racked me up a line on the ensuite table and we went to dusk.. It wasn't gear at all, it was crushed up pill i know my drugs and i'm not stupid. I have very vague recollections of the night but hope took my phone so i didn't have my centre of balance and when i got it back in the morning i called burnsy repeatedly till he came round with cones.. Yay for burnz always there throught the hard times.
After that i hung round with Hope a bit during the days cos she wasn't working but this girl was crazy she was having buckets in the middle of the day while her kid was inside .. don't get me wrong i got stoned too but my baby was safely tucked up at home with grandma.
As time progressed i saw many things happen.
This little drug bitch would go between tony and nick as often as she changed her underwear dependant on who had the money at the time and where the good drugs were.
Remember looking after my son on my birthday nick thats because hope had planned to go home with rj that night cos at the time she was fucking him at any opportunity she could get her hands on.
How about we bring up Rosco.. the guy she fucked the first time she met.. Rosco is great i've given him heaps of pussy over the years.. all he had to do was give her a little bit of crack and she was in. She was at his beg and call as far as sex was concerned and he turned around told her to get fucked.. not keen. Yet the second he wanted to turn around and cop a root she obviously forgot her embarrassing rejection and hoped right back aboard the wagon.. Hello sweet heart do you just love being treated like a dirty whore or what??
I remember when you first started telling me it hurt after sex and would bleed etc etc but really did you have to tell me you'd contracted clamidia.. You dirty ass little bitch.. i would have been to ashamed to tell anyone of this indiscretion but you were straight out with it.. couldn't you tell that you made me sick CUNT!!!!
... You still think you left me and thats exactly the dumb ass bitch that you are honey.. couldn't you tell when i started ditching you everywhere that something was up??
Even as early as Arif when i first met him i started telling him how i was trying too loose you but you didn't get the hint.. You came between me and my best friend of forever you dirty little whore and i would love to one day stab you through the heart to put everyone out of their pain and suffering of having to know you. POOR THEM.. their life is worse of just for having you in it and deep down inside you know it which is why your own mother won't even give you the time of day.. she is indebited to the world for having made you be in it..
Ok i'm getting off track here but no one is really gonna care anyways cos that would mean they would first have to care about you..
Fuck i better tell tony.. Tony the whole time she was with you she was constantly seeing nick among other people and she would just suck up to him for money everytime you were on again off again she was back with him.. as for did she move on after.. yes several times with several different people
and Nick well she was cheating on you the whole time anyways but yes with more than just tony.. didn't you see the writing on the wall when she had to get a dna test cos she didn't even know who the father of her own child was and the only reason you even found out was because she was constantly doing drugs around your child to the point that dcp took him off you both for 6 months.
And a Hope.. ever going to go see Tyler again your first born.. cos Gavin has said you can go over there.. but obviously your life is a lot more important than that of your child. how long has it been since you've seen him now.. a year/?
You used to profess to me that you were the best mother ever cos you'd been doing it for four years.. but you were hopeless at it hope.. still are, coming over to my house cos you wanted to kill your son and having me look after him and you for god only knows how long?? .. Guess its not your fault you wound up living with a whore.. but hey atleast she actually gets paid for services that people like you would provide for free knowing that no one would pay for it hey.
Do you know how badly i wanted to hurt you when you smacked my son you had no fucking right just because you believe in physical punishment doesn't mean that everyone else does.. Your so lucky that i didn't tell Darren you did it more than once cos he already wanted to smash you after the first time i told him.. He is in no way a woman basher.. but you are no woman at all.. you are as matthew said all those years ago a FUCKING WILDERBEAST!!!! You wonder why darren didn't take you on his bike .. he was scared he would catch rabies, the second i told him you got sacked he was absolutely thrilled telling me it was the best decision i had ever made.
Poor poor nick i feel so sorry for him in all of this.. have you told him yet that you sell him straight chop when he is chasing gear?? far out just so you can have the less chopped stuff. Absolutely appalling taking his money and giving him some msn/salt.. but i guess you never told him that then hey??
So how did Bryce really get hurt hope.. 9-11 bruises in places they should not be isn't exactly the sort of thing that you would go round telling people.. but maybe if i tell Tony about the exact details of all your indiscretions towards him.. He may be able to enlighten us as to what really happened hey.
I have written over a thousand words and i haven't even come too me yet.. Calling me a fucking dunb bitch cos i made you do everything for me.. Hello dumb bitch I'm a fucking lazy CUNT.. why do something for myself when i can have you do it for me.. remember getting that whole can of red bull when it exploded while you were opening it.. That was cos krissy was too lazy to do it and imagine had i have done it myself... i would have got red bull all over myself wouldn't i???
Have you any idea why i bought you toys hope.. and no it wasn't too satisfy you, it was cos i felt sorry for the poor guys you were coersing into bed you disease spreading whore
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Blondie doesn't get it.
Blondie's Statuys
Blondie is pissed off that people you expect are friends dog you behind your back and you find out through family how fuckn nice who needs them type of people. 7:48pm - 3 comments
Me at 10:08am October 1
Maybe certain people care about you and are seriously worried and don't know what they can do babe.
Blondie at 9:22pm October 1
na that was towards gareth and renee being fucks all good im pulling through my own shit and dont need them
Me at 9:40pm October 1
Just remember their probably going through quite a bit of stress atm.. dont be too hard on them.. You be good anyways sounds like your very happy.
Ok now this is how much of a dumb bitch she is.. i was the one who told her family she did drugs and stuff.. and i was the first person to fess up on her profile and she still doesn't get that i'm setting out to piss her off..
Ok i slept with her boyfriend (after they broke up for 1 day but only cos he was nice and i knew that she'd be with someone else within a week).. We kicked her out of the pub.. and now i have told her family about every little thing she does and she still doesnt get it.
Blondie's Statuys
Blondie is pissed off that people you expect are friends dog you behind your back and you find out through family how fuckn nice who needs them type of people. 7:48pm - 3 comments
Me at 10:08am October 1
Maybe certain people care about you and are seriously worried and don't know what they can do babe.
Blondie at 9:22pm October 1
na that was towards gareth and renee being fucks all good im pulling through my own shit and dont need them
Me at 9:40pm October 1
Just remember their probably going through quite a bit of stress atm.. dont be too hard on them.. You be good anyways sounds like your very happy.
Ok now this is how much of a dumb bitch she is.. i was the one who told her family she did drugs and stuff.. and i was the first person to fess up on her profile and she still doesn't get that i'm setting out to piss her off..
Ok i slept with her boyfriend (after they broke up for 1 day but only cos he was nice and i knew that she'd be with someone else within a week).. We kicked her out of the pub.. and now i have told her family about every little thing she does and she still doesnt get it.
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