Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Blondie doesn't get it.

Blondie's Statuys
Blondie is pissed off that people you expect are friends dog you behind your back and you find out through family how fuckn nice who needs them type of people. 7:48pm - 3 comments

Me at 10:08am October 1
Maybe certain people care about you and are seriously worried and don't know what they can do babe.

Blondie at 9:22pm October 1
na that was towards gareth and renee being fucks all good im pulling through my own shit and dont need them

Me at 9:40pm October 1
Just remember their probably going through quite a bit of stress atm.. dont be too hard on them.. You be good anyways sounds like your very happy.

Ok now this is how much of a dumb bitch she is.. i was the one who told her family she did drugs and stuff.. and i was the first person to fess up on her profile and she still doesn't get that i'm setting out to piss her off..

Ok i slept with her boyfriend (after they broke up for 1 day but only cos he was nice and i knew that she'd be with someone else within a week).. We kicked her out of the pub.. and now i have told her family about every little thing she does and she still doesnt get it.

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