Saturday, May 23, 2009

What becomes of the broken hearted

I never thought i's ever stop loving glen.. I never thought i'd feel for anyone what i felt for him.. I invited him to my brothers wedding and a 3 day hotel stay and just knew it wasnt going to go to plan.. I tried to give him an out a few days beforehand but he was adement he was coming and it was just like this big ball of stress i had hanging over me..

Either way i wasnt going to cancel him.. the wedding was going to be on the sunday and it came to the Friday and Cara came over to give me a hair trial.. She was currently spending time with a guy in a band who playing that night at the westminster.. and she was dead keen to go - i was hesitant but when she did my hair it looked hot and i did have a new dress to chuck on.

Before we went she was showing me pictures of the band and they all looked classically long haired and loutey.. But i was determined that i would be hooking up with one of them so that it wasnt as hard to say goodbye to Glen over the weekend.

I was pretty smashed by the time we got to the pub and i was determined to be a dirty little whore hehe.. It was quite fun there, met a couple of nice girls to chat too and then something caught my eye .. There was a guy in the band without long hair and beautiful blue eyes.. I was doing everything i could to show as little attention to him as possible.. a few shots later it was on and somehow we were screwing in a park.. go figure :>

When Glen came to the hotel the following night i couldnt even give him a hug.. a part of me was feeling like a dirty little whore having hooked up with someone so soon after meeting them and a part of me was wishing i could remember the guys name hehe

It wasnt a nice weekend with glen.. it was all off but i didnt feel any want or need to get close to him i was actually quite standoffish but i dont wanna get into the intimate details as i'd prefer too remember glen in a good light not in a bad light for the way things ended..

My heart was ripped to shreds by the time i left the hotel - I was in so much pain .. My status's on facebook were heart broken but it was like i'd made a concious decision to not let myself feel for him again and i wasn't going too.. The day after this it still hurt but i was begining too see the possibilities of what the void of glen could be filled with in my life.. Cos with him i was constantly thinking about if he was ok .. worrying about him .. not knowing where he was or if he was ok .. etc. It was a big gap too fill.. Little did i know that i'd already met the two main people that would be filling in the gaps.

So the following weekend arranged with Tammy and Candy to go to My Place to see Dan and straps followed by the Rocket Room

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